Wednesday 28 March 2012

Perceptions of the Environment

Gordon Cullen, 1961, Serial Vision

Serial Vision = sequence of view points

Serial Vision is to walk from one end of the plan to another, at a uniform pace, will provide a sequence of revelations which are suggested in the serial drawings opposite, reading from left to right.

Gordon Cullen Serial Vision, 1960

+Place (here and there)
+Content (this and that)

Kevin Lynch, 1960, The Image of the City

Visual quality = legibility of the city
Identity = structure and meaning

+Paths -in which we move
+Edges -between districts
+Districts -recognisable area
+Node -meeting point

+Boundary -conventional subdivision
+Limit -physical element
+Edge -an interface between two edges

+Memorial -who I am
+Landmark -where I am
+Monument -why the city has its layout

Friday 9 March 2012

Urban Form


Defined by Topography, climate, materials


An urban form placed on the landscape

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Architecture? City?

What is Architecture?

shelter? Science? Art? Product of the Soul?

In this case: 
Everything That is Man Made

What is good Architecture?

A response to its environment

What is a City?

Transgression and order

Transgression: an act, process or instance of 'transgressing' as:
-violation of law, duty or command
-to go beyond a boundary or limit 
(, 2012)

A conscious piece of art

A construction site = ever changing + perhaps improving

A place of exchange and interaction

Cities can be defined by its architecture (eg. Bilbao, Spain)

Cities can be Mono-Centric or Polli-Centric